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 Image by Sam Roberts 


I am a stand-up storytelling aficionado.  Through oral and conversational practices (read: I talk better than I write and I love a deep & meaningful chat), I make live stand-up, storytelling performances.  They range from simple presentation in any room available through to complex and interwoven outcomes for festivals.  Each story I tell holds a nuanced gem of human behaviour.  My art is asking juicy questions, being able to listen deeply to the answers and to deliver the gold of a story.  A deep respect for humanity and a fascination for each our own ways of doing things is at the heart of the content of my shows, and being able to tell a bloody great story is what keeps me being commissioned.  


See my latest work here:


As the last of 9 children born in a small country town, I’ve seen a lot.  When I grew up, I graduated from Flinders Drama Centre, going on to work extensively in theatre, live art and screen as well as developing an arts practice of making theatre shows from intimate conversations with other humans.  I work with collaborators that include installation-theatre companies in Denmark and Singapore, and various companies locally including The Rabble, Arts House, Aphids, Open Space Contemporary Arts (OSCA), STC SA, Brink Productions, and Vitalstatistix. Some of my shows have won awards, some of my projects such as The Australian Bureau of Worthiness have been long standing, and some of my theatre performances have grabbed attention. I collaborate and act in various screen projects, working with the ABC, Rob Marchand, Piper Films, Shalom Almond, Ian Bone, Craig Behenna and Nate Charles. I collaborate regularly with Sarah John, a visual artist and theatre maker based in Denmark, and delivered my new autobiographical work, The Photo Box with Vitalstatistix and Brink Productions, presented by the Adelaide Festival in 2022.  I have now embarked on a story-telling theatre performance experiment where I create my story set list based on conversations with the audience, so the show is totally improvised and different every night.  I am also the proud mum of 9-year old triplets, which is a show all of its own.